2020 Winter Raptor Fest || Grassland Bird Trust || Virtual Event Video Sample

2020 Winter Raptor Fest // Grassland Bird Trust // Virtual Event Video Sample

The annual Winter Raptor Fest hosted by Grassland Bird Trust typically attracts thousands of bird enthusiasts to the Washington County Fairgrounds, though holding this year’s event in the same fashion as previous years obviously wasn’t an option because of the pandemic. Rather than cancel the event, it was decided to limit the attendance to under

Price Chopper/Market32 || Wagner Farms || Tour Video

Price Chopper/Market32 // Wagner Farms // Tour Video

A few years back I had created a video for Price Chopper/Market 32 in collaboration with the American Dairy Association North East, which showed the process of how its PICS milk brand went from farm to table. The grocery store chain requested a new video to be made of the farm featured in the original

Grassland Bird Trust || Winter Raptor Fest || Promo

Grassland Bird Trust // Winter Raptor Fest // Promo Video

Last year I filmed at the Winter Raptor Fest event, which is held annually at the Washington County Fairgrounds. The event is hosted by Grassland Bird Trust, formerly known as Friends of the IBA, which conserves grassland that at-risk birds such as endangered short-eared owls rely on to nest and forage for food. I’ve always

Grant Cottage || VirtualTour || Sample Video

Grant Cottage // Virtual Tour Video Segment

I enjoyed filming  at Grant Cottage on Mount McGregor in Wilton, NY for a virtual video tour that the Friends of Grant Cottage wanted to create for people unable to attend the cottage for an in-person tour. Before being contracted to do this project, I actually didn’t know that this historic gem, where Ulysses S.

Barkeater Chocolates || Corporate Selections || Promo

Barkeater Chocolates // Corporate Selections // Promo

It was nice to revisit the Barkeater Chocolates factory store in the Adirondack region (North Creek, New York) back in January of this year. Years back, I created an in-store video for Barkeater Chocolates that gave visitors an inside look at how its chocolate products were made. I had also filmed at the factory store

ARCC || J. Walter Juckett Award || Paul Dowen

ARCC // J. Walter Juckett Award // Paul Dowen

Here’s a video Junda Video Enterprises produced for the Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce, which premiered at the chamber’s annual dinner event at The Sagamore. Its focus is on the recent winner of the prestigious J Walter Juckett Community Service Award, Paul Dowen, and shows the positive impact Paul has had on the community. It

NACRE Dance Company // So You Think You Can Choregraph // Performance Recording Sample

NACRE Dance Company // So You Think You Can Choreograph // Performance Recording

Junda Video Enterprises recorded the 2019 shows of NACRE Dance Company’s “So You Think You Can Choreograph” competition at the Spa Little Theater in Saratoga Springs, NY.  It was fun to record the performances and see the original modern and contemporary choreography featured in them. The video featured in this blog post is a wide

Partnership for Patients || Mock Registration E-Learning Video

Partnership for Patients // Patient Registration Process Mock Scenario // E-Learning Video

Junda Video Enterprises filmed an e-learning segment for Partnership for Patients in association with the Health Association of New York State (HANYS). For the e-learning module, several patient registration mock scenarios were filmed. Here is one of them where a patients is asked questions about her race, ethnicity, and language.  As with previous shoots, it

Partnership for Patients || Data Collection E-Learning Video

Partnership for Patients // Importance of Data Collection // E-Learning Video

Junda Video Enterprises filmed an e-learning segment on data collection for Partnership for Patients in association with the Health Association of New York State (HANYS). Here is a small segment of the video where Aswita Tan-McGrory discusses the role of race, ethnicity, and language data collection and its importance in best serving the needs of

Opera Saratoga // Hansel and Gretel // Promo Video

Opera Saratoga // Summer 2019 Season // Hänsel und Gretel (Hansel and Gretel) Promo Video

Here is the promo video for Hänsel und Gretel (Hansel and Gretel), which made its east coast premiere for Opera Saratoga. Hansel and Gretel was a fun opera to record and mesmerizing to witness. In addition to the traditional performers on stage, there were also actors performing in front of a screen, where their silhouettes