Saratoga County Chamber Young Professionals Network Promo

The Saratoga Young Professionals Network

When Keith from the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce proposed the idea of creating a promo video for the Saratoga Young Professionals Network (YPN), I definitely wanted to make it happen. I’ve attended most of the YPN events since joining the Saratoga County Chamber last year, and I enjoy the professional, yet laid-back atmosphere. It’s nice to see familiar faces as well as new ones at each mixer and I look forward to attending the future events.

I’d like to thank all of the interviewees: Todd Shimkus (President of the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce), Charles Wait Jr. (Executive Vice President of the Adirondack Trust Company), and Lauren Rowland ( Sales Manager at the Saratoga Springs City Center). They all did a great job. I’d also like to thank all of the attendees of the event for letting me film them, as well as the guest speaker, Marcia White, President & Executive Director of SPAC. Thanks also go to the Hall of Springs and Mazzone Hospitality for being wonderful hosts for the evening. Of course, special thanks goes to Keith VanVeghten for organizing the event and planning and conducting the interviews. He always does a great job with the YPN and other chamber events!

Relevant Links:
Saratoga YPN Facebook Page:
Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce:
The Adirondack Trust Company:
Saratoga Springs City Center:
Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC):
Hall of Springs:
Mazzone Hospitality:

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